Monday, September 9, 2013

September 2013

I want to start this by reminding everyone that September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month.  PLEASE help spread the word to find a cure.  I’ve been granting wishes and working with children that have life-threatening illnesses since 1998.  Over the years I have met soooo many kids that have suffered because of cancer…and I know several kids that are currently in the fight for their life right now. Unfortunately; quite a few children have passed away from this illness.  It is truly heartbreaking to see these kids suffer from this disease.  Statistics show that every day 46 children are diagnosed with cancer.  Every day 7 children will die from cancer.  Please help spread the word to find a cure….and as my friend Devin who will celebrate his 17th birthday in heaven tomorrow would say, “Kill the Cancer Man!”
Today was my “29th” birthday (wink wink). I’ve received so many Happy Birthday messages from friends and family, that really makes a girl feel loved. 

It’s hard to believe that it has almost been a year that I’ve been gone from Make-A-Wish.  God has a plan for each of us and I’m truly in a happy place now, DEFINITELY much happier than I was this time last year!

When I last posted, we were planning a family trip to Orlando.  A total of 7 of us went, everyone got along and we all had a great time.  It was the first I had been on vacation with my brother since 1999 and it was the first time my nephew and my niece had ever been on vacation with our grandma.  It was really a special time for all of us. Of course we went to Walt Disney World and I talked everyone into going to Tampa for the day to Bush Gardens.  I just love that place!  I love all of the animals, especially the giraffes!

Dreams and Wishes of Tennessee has finally become a reality and it’s not just a dream of mine.  We granted our first wish in July and are currently working on a wish that will take place this month.  We also have 2 new kids that we are working with.  I’m so excited about all of the support I’ve received….I really feel blessed.  What I want more than anything is to make a difference in the life of others….and that’s what I’m trying to do.
With that being said….. (lol) If you would like to volunteer or want more information about Dreams and Wishes please check out our website

The 501st MidSouth Garrison (aka Star Wars guys) were the first to hold a fundraiser for Dreams and Wishes. They raised over $700.00 in just a few hours! This is one great group of people!  They have also chosen us to benefit from their upcoming Comic Con event in October.  We are super excited!! Check our website for more information on upcoming events. 
Pat recently started a new job and he is really enjoying it.  He’s talked about selling cars for years and has always enjoyed buying and selling them.  He has helped many of our friends over the years with their car deals.  He finally decided to give car sales a try; and he’s doing great at it!  He works at Freeland Chevrolet out by Hickory Hollow on Bell Road.  If you need a new or used car give him a call!

Our yard has been quite the breeding ground for little critters this season.  We’ve had baby skunks (that I tried so hard to take care of but was unsuccessful), 2 sets of blue birds, cardinals, mocking birds and robins and even rabbits!  Yep, Maggie & Bailey have had a lot to bark at this summer! 
One again our house is under construction.  Big Mama has finally decided that she WILL move in with Pat and I BUT she wants her “own space”.  We are in the process of turning our garage into a mini apartment for her.  She seems really excited and we are all anxiously awaiting the contractors to make some progress.

I’m sure some of  you are curious about her addiction…..well; thankfully she did not have to attend rehab for her syrup addiction.  However, her new addiction is doughnut holes and sweet tea.  This is one lady that loves her sugar!  Every time we drive down Lebanon Road she wants to know if Shipley’s is open so she can get doughnut holes.  I’m a regular there now.  I don’t even have to place my order.  As soon as they see me pull up the girl starts piling doughnut holes in a bag for her.  Instead of a dozen I think she gives her as many as she can fit in the bag!  It’s funny that she can’t remember if she has had her medicine for the day but she sure can remember the last time she had doughnut holes!
Pat and I have been attending Foster Parenting classes.  We have one class left and then a few home visits before they will allow us to foster. I’m super excited about this!   I bet you are thinking, good stars they have a lot going on!  Well, the way I look at it is, why not.  We fostered a little boy about 5 years ago and I’ve wanted to do it for the past couple years but it never seemed to be the right time.  I finally decided that if we wait until the “perfect time” that we will be waiting forever.  We are really excited about bringing a foster child into our home and giving him or her love and support they so need.

Before I end this, I want to acknowledge that the 12th anniversary of 9/11 is just around the corner.  On this day for the rest of our lives we are always going to remember what we were doing when the towers were hit.  This was a day that soooo many people lost their lives, It was the only day in my life that I’ve known where airplanes weren’t allowed to fly. 
On 9/11/2002 I was in New York City.  I was with my friend from Iris from Malaysia, whom I originally met as a pen pal in the 4th grade. I can't even imagine being there in 2001....a year later there were still signs posted everywhere about missing loved ones.  The streets and buildings in the Ground Zero area were still a mess.  It was still a disaster area.  

It’s unfortunate how much evil is in this world today.  Think about 20 years ago, we didn’t have children bringing guns to school and killing their classmates and teachers.  We didn’t have metal detectors and police officers at our schools.  I can’t ever recall talk about terrorism or hearing about an entire neighborhood being told they are not allowed to leave their home and not to open their door for anyone other than law enforcement.  I want to take a moment to say THANK YOU to everyone in the military for fighting for our freedom and THANK YOU to all of the law enforcement and first responders for what you do every day.

Thanks so much for taking the time to read my journaling.

I heard this not too long ago and wanted to share it with you.  
Life is about a lot more than money, so remember to hang on to your loved ones and things that matter.  One is about price and the other is priceless.  You never hear anyone that’s lost a loved one say that they spent too much money on that loved one, only that they would give all the money in the world just to have them back.  <3


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