Tuesday, September 17, 2013

It’s not even been 24 hours and I miss her soooo much already....

It’s not even been 24 hours and I miss her soooo much already....

So many times today I was asked, "What happened to Big Mama"?  I'm still shaking my head trying to sort it all out myself, it's crazy!  She had been doing really well until around September 8th, which was a Sunday.  I had talked to her that day and asked why she didn't attend church and she said that she just didn't feel well.  She and my brother were in Ashland City at her house with my brothers little boy, Peyton just like they are every Sunday - Tuesday.  This particular week I hadn't seen her all week.  Steven, my brother, was off work the first week in September, and he said he would stay with her to kind of "give me a break".  I've basically been with her between 4-6 days every week since leaving Make-A-Wish back in November.  I took this as a time to get some stuff done that I've needed to do for Dreams & Wishes and some stuff around the house.  We were in the process.  Had I had known I was giving up my last week with her; I would not have never done it.  We talked several times throughout the week that she wasn’t here.

My birthday was Monday the 9th and I didn't hear from her, which was odd.  Steven called me Monday evening and said that she had been sleeping for several hours in her recliner and each time he checked on her she told him she was fine and wanted to rest.  He eventually forced her to go to bed and she was unable to walk so he carried her....this is not normal for her.  Remember, this is a lady who LOVES to be on the go!  She didn't like to sit around the house, she wanted to be at the Senior Center playing Bingo, or walking around the store, basically she wanted to be anywhere but sitting around doing nothing.  My sister had taken her 2 weeks prior to her husband's parents’ house where they went 4-wheeling!  Yep, my sister’s husband Shane took her on a 10 mile 4-wheeling ride and she LOVED it!   Naturally when Steven told me how she was acting, I immediately said he needed to call for help.  Pat and I met her in Nashville at the hospital.  The ambulance driver seemed somewhat irritated that I requested transport to the hospital.  Typically once people hear her that she is 83 and about her multiple medical problems, they think what we see as abnormal activity from her is normal for an elderly person with a little dementia.  I can't tell you how many times I told the doctors and nurses that this is NOT normal for her, she is a VERY active person. I got the question about her being from a nursing home quite a few times too.

To make a super long hospital story shorter, she was admitted and after days of getting better, declining, getting better and then declining again, we were told that not only does she have the conditions we knew about (Congestive Heart Failure, Atrial Fibrillation, and only 1 kidney) she has Pneumonia and is Sepsis. By the time they finally figured out what was wrong with her, her kidney had shut down.  On Thursday they didn't really give us much hope for recovery. Knowing how much she hated being in the hospital I asked her if she wanted to go home, of course she said yes!  I gave her the option of my house or hers and she chose my house.  Once I had approval, or so I thought, from the hospital I told her that she was going home on Friday morning.  She was so excited. I really think that turned her attitude around and gave her something to look forward to, a hope of getting out of the hospital.  Of course none of us ever mentioned that going home meant Hospice being called and she would not survive but I think she knew.  She told me "I know people come down here to die", and I explained that the reason she saw so many people transporting in and out of ICU was they were getting better, and that she wasn't there to die....she was going home!  Brandi, my sister, stayed the night on Thursday and I came to the hospital first thing Friday morning. Brandi said they talked for hours and that she was so excited about leaving the hospital on Friday.  On my way there Brandi called me with excitement and said that the Cardiologist was shocked that we were taking her home on Hospice because over the past several hours she was making a turn around, her labs looked better, her vitals looked better and over all she was looking really good.  Once I arrived I saw that yes, she did look good.  She was talking and the monitor showed good stats.  The hospital doctor came in and confirmed what Brandi had told me the Cardiologist had stated earlier. He said he agreed with the Cardiologist and that his recommendation was that she STAY in the hospital and that they wanted to move her out of the ICU and there was even talk about a Kidney specialist coming in to talk about possible Dialysis.......we were both like wow!!  Our heads were spinning, the entire family had just spent 24 hours crying and made peace with the face that she was leaving our lives and now they are saying she's getting better.....wow!  A part of me knew this was a surge....I’ve seen it and many times.  We were happy to go with the fact that it was a miracle, she was getting better despite the fact that less than 24 hours ago her BP was 56/something and that we were told if we didn't vent her she wouldn't live.  Brandi and I told her that the doctor said she was doing so well that they want her to stay longer.  She looked heart broken.  My sister and I kept telling her it was a good thing and that she was doing so good and we were sooo happy for her.  Brandi went home to get a shower and I swear it wasn't 30 minutes later that she started crashing.  Her BP was dropping fast.  She gripped the bed rails and was crying and looked scared.  I asked her if she was okay and she said no, I’m having a hard time breathing.  I got the nurse and we tried comforting her....she had such difficulty breathing and it was literally breaking my heart!  I hated for her to see tears rolling down my face as I tried speaking to her.  I called my sister and told her to get back to the hospital ASAP!  What really broke my heart is that during all of this scary stuff and her having such a difficult time breathing she asked me "am. I. still. going......" and I said "to my house" and she shook her head yes and I said YES!!  You are still leaving this hospital and coming home to my house!!!  It was such a sad moment, here she is with a BP of 68/37 and all she wants to know is if she is going to get to leave the hospital!  I swear I wanted to go find that doctor and literally choke him!!!  Forty-five minutes hadn't passed since he told us she had improved remarkably ....she's going to a new unit and they want to start putting her in a chair to get her out of ben and ….what the hell!??!   I had just called all of the family to tell them she was doing great….now I’m calling them less than an hour later to say that she is literally dying and get here ASAP!   Our heads were all spinning!  Her BP and Oxygen levels were up and down all day.  My niece and I spent the night with her and she was pretty stable all night yet her speech was declining drastically.  I thought long and hard about all that had happened and called the nurse into her room before the 7:00 am shift change. I told her that my grandmother had continued to ask both me and my sister several times during the day and evening if she could still go home.  I'm not a doctor but in my opinion she could do what was going on at home waaay more comfortably than she could at the hospital.  The nurse said it was the thing to do and suggested I call her PCP to get the ball rolling.  I started making phone calls to Hospice, her physician, the medical equipment company, and basically I pestered everyone until they made this happen.  Her PCP told me this morning that he was so happy we got her home over the weekend and he really was shocked because he thought it couldn't get done in such short notice, especially with her needing medical equipment.  I was going to make sure that didn't die in her most hated place, the hospital.  It took 9 hours to make it happen but she was coming home!

Big Mama arrived at our house on Saturday around 4pm and bless her heart, I'm glad they had her super doped up on Morphine!  I thought for sure the ambulance guys were going to drop her off the gurney getting her into my house.  She had one bumpy entrance!!  She was pretty out of it but did open her eyes a few times and mumbled a little bit throughout the day.  Her pain level was high so we decided the best thing to do was not be selfish and keep her as comfortable on meds as possible.  She had a good night and so many people were able to come say their good byes on Sunday.  Even though she wasn't able to open her eyes or speak we feel like she knew she was in her own room and she felt the love from everyone.  By Sunday evening she started choking on her meds when we gave them to her.  Hospice came back out with a pump and suction which was a lifesaver!  We made sure she was comfortable and once the med pump was started, my sister and her family left.  I think I went to bed about 2:30ish with the baby monitor by my head so I could keep an eye on her during the night and hear what was going on.  My sleep schedule is so messed up right now I was up again before 6.  I went into her room and moved her pillows around a little and brushed her hair, rubbed her arms and legs and put her Vaseline on her lips telling her I was getting her lips ready for Paw Paw like I did every time I put Vaseline on her lips.  

My uncle called around 7 to check on her and I had just laid back down.  During the conversation Dr. Jones called to see how she was doing and to tell me how happy he was that I made it happen and that she was home.  While on the phone with him, I checked her breathing and let him know she was taking about 4-5 seconds between each breath.  He said that this could go on a few more days, maybe even a week but he felt like and prayed that it would end soon.  We all knew she would not want to be in the condition she was in and all we could do was hope for the Lord to call her home.  I called my uncle back and let them know how she was and checked her breathing again.  This time it was a little faster.  This is behavior that we had been experiencing for the past several days, fast breathing one minute and then it taking several seconds for her to take the next breath.  I gave her some anxiety medicine, kissed her on the head and told her that I loved her and once again told her it was okay to go see Paw Paw and that we all really wanted her to go and that we all hate seeing her like she was.  I went back to bed and Pat was getting ready for work. Even though I was both physically and mentally exhausted I couldn’t sleep.  I had the monitor right by my head and kept looking at it just thinking about how she much she would hate being in the condition she was in.  Pat got out of the shower and I asked him to go check on her.  I could see him on the monitor looking.....and looking and getting closer and my heart just about stopped.  He called for me to come in the room and I knew what he was going to say.  I looked at her and confirmed that yes, she had gained her wings and had gone to be with Paw Paw.  Something that she has wanted since he passed away 2 years ago this past August.  I knew this time was coming, I prayed that it would come sooner than later yet it was so sad.  Just seeing her lifeless body lying there was awful! Even more awful was calling family to tell them the news.  Thankfully Pat hadn't left for work before she passed and he was with me to help me until my sister arrived to help.  We made all of the phone calls which wasn’t fun explaining what happened numerous times.  Hospice came, cleaned her up and called the funeral home.  Just seeing them take her body out the front door was.....I can't even describe the feeling of emptiness and sadness.

My uncle was on his way back down from KY and we all met at the funeral home in Ashland City to finalize her arrangements.  Thankfully she and Uncle Ken had already picked out a casket a few years ago.  I don't know that I could have been a part of that today.  Everything is all set and visitation services will start on Tuesday afternoon with burial on Thursday at 11am.

I really just want to say that I appreciate all of the prayers you guys have had for my family and all of your kind words.  The next few days...and even weeks and months will be extremely difficult for all of us.  She has been such a significant part of my life and the life of our family....it's going to be so hard not having her here with us.  It breaks my heart just to walk by her bedroom and see the empty hospital bed and oxygen machine. I want to cry when I walk outside and see the garage that we were turning into a min apartment for her, something that she was so excited about.  I ask that you please keep my family in your prayers and although we are super sad that she has left us we do know that she is so happy because she is with the love of her life, Paw Paw and she is in a much better place than suffering here with us.

And as I said in my last blog, please remember this.  No one knows when our last day will be with our loved ones.  You never hear anyone that’s lost a loved one say that they spent too much money on that loved one, only that they would give all the money in the world just to have them back. 
Big Mama and Peyton last Thursday

ELDRIDGE, Margaret Jean, age 82, passed away on September 16, 2013.  She is preceded in death by her parents, Monroe W. Huddleston and Annie Arteburn Huddleston and daughter, Carolyn Hudson.  She is survived by her sons, Kenneth Marlin and Roy Marlin; brothers, Robert Huddleston and Glenn Huddleston; grandchildren, Tanya Sturm, Joseph Donahue, Brandi Hodge, Robert Donahue, Steven Hudson, Christopher Marlin, Kevin Marlin, Ashley Hardin and Shelly Hardin and 8 great-grandchildren. 

Funeral service will be held on Thursday, September 19, 2013, at 11am in the Chapel of Cheatham County Funeral Home with Brother Sam Creed officiating.  Burial will follow in Ever Rest Memorial Gardens in Pleasant View, TN.  Visitation with the family will be Tuesday, September 17, 2013, from 4pm to 8pm, Wednesday, from 4pm-7pm and on Thursday from 9am until service hour of 11am.  Serving as pallbearers will be family and friends. 

In lieu of flowers donations may be made to Dreams and Wishes of Tennessee, PO Box 8383, Nashville, TN 37076.

CHEATHAM COUNTY FUNERAL HOME IN CHARGE OF ARRANGEMENTS 615-792-2552 website: cheathamcountyfh.com

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