Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Feeling Thankful

I've not done this in quite a while but it seems like the perfect time to share what I'm thankful for. 

I can honestly say that there are soooo many things that I’m thankful for.  I’m thankful for the warm sunshine and the stars and the moon that I love to look at every night before I go to bed. I'm thankful for all of God’s little creatures; the birds and butterflies and even the crickets and bumble bees that Bailey loved chasing around the yard a few months ago. I'm thankful that I live in a populated area yet some nights I can look in my yard and see deer wandering around. I’m thankful that I was able to watch a batch of Blue Birds grow a few months ago and I have a new appreciation for the momma bird sitting on her eggs all day long in the scorching heat and the daddy bird bringing back worms to feed his family. 

I am thankful for all of my friends, my family and loved ones, my dreams that have turned into reality and for my health.  (Okay, I'm not really thankful that I'm having a knee replacement in a few weeks BUT....I could have worse problems, right).  I'm thankful for the feeling that Maggie and Bailey give me when I come home, even if I've been gone for just a few minutes, they are soooo happy to see me. I'm thankful to have experienced that unconditional love that our pets teach us. 

I'm thankful that I was given the opportunity to start Dreams and Wishes almost five years ago. I'm thankful that I've met soooo many wonderful wish families and that I had the opportunity to be a part of their lives during such a precious time.  I can honestly say that I've made some of the most genuinely loving friendships that will last forever.

I know this sounds odd but I'm also thankful for my struggles and hard times that I’ve been thru, they have made me stronger and the person that I am today. My life definitely isn’t perfect, but I’m so thankful for everything that I have.



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