Monday, July 21, 2014

Reeelaxing -sometimes it's easier said than done...we all need to try it

If I could have one wish for each of you, it would be for you to spend time with your loved ones and cherish every moment.  After all isn’t that what’s most important?  It’s not how much money you have or don’t have, it’s about spending time with your family and friends. 
I read this somewhere the other day and I found it interesting.  I think we all take this kind of thing for granted.

"When you are in the final days of your life, what will you want?  Will you hug that college degree in the walnut frame?  Will you ask to be carried to the garage so you can sit in your car?  Will you find comfort in rereading your financial statement?  Of course not!  What will matter then will be people.  If relationships will matter most then, shouldn't they matter most now?" ~Max Lucado

I’ve been trying really hard to change the way I look at things and realize the difference between important stuff and silly stuff.  For those of you that know me, know that I typically like to have everything in order and organized and in its correct place.  Disorganization reeeeeally  stresses me out. Pat laughs at me sometimes before we leave home because I feel like I need to straighten the pillows on the couch or I can’t go to sleep if laundry needs to be folded or just silly stuff like that.  The past couple months my house has been a wreck, and I’m not kidding!  We did a couple of little construction projects and I’ve never had so much disorganization in my life!  I’m working on learning that everything doesn’t have to be perfect, just enjoy what we have and if it’s messy….oh well, clean it tomorrow.  (I'm thinking I've now officially made myself sound crazy…oops).

Lately, I’ve been able to enjoy so many things that over the years I’ve just been too busy to enjoy, or at least I thought I was.  It’s amazing what beautiful things you will see and learn when you just take a little time.  About a month ago I got to see both baby Mockingbirds and Blue Birds jump out of the nest and try flying for the first time. It was so cute!  I have a new screened in porch and a fabulous swing and I’m telling you now, there’s nothing more relaxing that just sitting in that swing and doing absolutely nothing.  My grandma used to love to sit on her porch and just watch and listen to the birds.  She would tell me to “sit down and let me enjoy your company” and I always felt like I needed to be going 100 mile per minute at all times.  I used to feel that I needed to have a multiple stressful things going on at once or life just wasn’t normal for me.  When I was working at MAW, every day was crazy busy and stressful and I think I thought that was normal.   I was just telling Pat recently that I feel like I’m almost not complete or something because I don’t have a ton of crazy stressful stuff going on.  He looked at me like I was a nut when I told him I think I miss going into an office and working and having deadlines and being stressed out…..okay, so apparently I still need to work a little harder on relaxing.  

Dreams and Wishes

I want to update everyone on Dreams and Wishes of TN.  In just a little over year we’ve been able to grant 7 wishes, which I think is amazing!!  This new chapter in my life has turned out to be such a blessing.  I've had so much wonderful support from family and friends and I hope that all of you know how grateful I am for you being in my life. 

Last month I granted a wish for a precious little boy named Jacobo.  Jacobo has terminal Leukemia.  He’s had it all of his life so chemo and transplants are the only thing he knows as “normal”.  His wish was to go to the Nashville Zoo and to Toys R Us to get some of the Cars toys that he’s been wanting.  A wish so simple, yet something that so many of us would take for granted.  Wishes like this are the exact reason that Dreams and Wishes of TN was founded.  Sometimes it’s the simplest thing that can put the biggest smile on someone’s face. 
These are a few pictures of Jacobo at Toys R Us and the zoo. 
Look at that little smile! :) 

As we get more wish referrals we will need more volunteer help and funding to make these wishes a reality.  Check out the links below if you would like to find out how you can help make wishes come true.  It is truly one of the most rewarding things you can experience.   

Something to think about.....
We are all going to die and we don’t get much say over how or when….but we DO get to decide how we are going to live….so decide, are you living the life you want to live?  Are you being the best you can be….Can you be stronger, kinder, more compassionate?  


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