Tuesday, December 4, 2012

looking for my place in this world....

I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I last posted.  Soooo many changes have happened in my life over the past 13 months.  I guess I will start with the biggest and most significant change in my life.  As of 11/8/2012 I am no longer working with the Make-A-Wish Foundation.  That was a HUGE disappointment for me and to be honest I’m still trying to adjust. I’ve been with Make-A-Wish from the very beginning…..actually I was with them before they were even Make-A-Wish!  I was told that I didn’t do anything wrong, they were just moving in a new direction.  I have no idea what this means and it was complete shock to me. 

Okay, now that’s said.  I can’t believe that Christmas is almost here…wow, time goes so fast. It’s funny because when we are kids it seems like time moves at the pace of a turtle and as we get older it feels like the years get shorter. It is kind of like our memory, the older we get the more forgetful we become.  I think I need to post more often, if for no other reason than to just help myself remember what I’ve done over the months!

Things are good at home; Patrick is no longer with Coca-Cola.  He hurt his knee in January and was out for several months.  Once he was medically released he tried going back to his job but it was just too much on his knee so he had to leave Coke.  I think he was there for over 15 years so that has been a huge adjustment for us both.  I’m really appreciating the fact that he doesn’t have to be at work at 4 am anymore!  He’s currently working at Wyndham.  Bad girl Bailey and bad girl Maggie are still as bad as ever…….just kidding.  They are just precious little fur babies and we love them so much.  In one of my November Facebook post I listed that I’m thankful for being able to have experienced the unconditional love of a pet.  I think non-pet owners are really missing out on a special love that you can only get from a pet.  It’s a great feeling to be able to walk out the door, and come in another door and they are just as excited to see me as if I had been gone all day.  I love it.

My grandma, AKA “Big Mama who is a whole 105 lbs, seems to be doing pretty okay. All year I was able to work late during the week to be with my grandma on Friday’s.  I’m so thankful that I have had that flexibility over the past several years.  It’s meant so much for me to be able to help her and spend time with her.  She’s actually been doing fairly well over the past few months.  Her depression has improved tremendously and she seems to cry a whole lot less over the loss of my grandpa.  My grandpa’s 1st anniversary of his death was August 6th, also the day that Big Mama had a “mini stroke” while my brother and I were with her. Apparently she has had a total of 4 mini strokes and we didn’t even know it.  She suffers from Congestive Heart Failure and Atrial Fibrillation.    She got a pacemaker installed the week before Thanksgiving and she’s just waiting on the soreness to go away so she can feel 10 years younger like everyone has told her; hopefully that will indeed be the case. Here’s a funny story, before going into surgery the doctor ask us if we had any questions, well, Big Mama told the doctor that while she’s in surgery, she had one request….she was requesting boobs!  Lol…..yep, she said that without even cracking a smile!  She told the doctor that she’s never had boobs and she didn’t care what size or color, she wanted them….can you imagine an 81 year old lady asking for boobs!  Geez!!

The summer was pretty fun for me.  I had a past Make-A-Wish family from Canada come back to Nashville to visit me.  We got to spend about a week together doing touristy things over the 4th of July and they introduced me to a new friend from Australia. We had lots of fun. 

Speaking of wishes, work was pretty darn busy this year.  As of August 31st, our chapter granted more wishes than we had ever granted before, and we received an award from the National chapter for wish granting.  We actually went from 92 wishes granted the previous year to 110 granted for this year.  It was amazing that we were able to exceed our goal of 100 and actually grant 10 over the goal.  This certainly couldn’t have been done without my partner Shelley; she’s awesome!  Bless her heart, Shelley granted all of the Walt Disney World, Cruise and International wishes, and that’s a lot.  I’m sure you can imagine how many kids want to go to see Mickey Mouse.  We also had 2 amazing interns over the past few months, Madison and Mysti.  We couldn’t have gotten thru the busy season with out their help! If you guys read this, thank you!!!! 

As usual, several kids wished to come to Nashville for their wish.  Some for award shows, Country Music Festivals, meet celebrities and then some just come to visit the Music City.  I can’t tell you how many wonderful and amazing families I’ve met over the years.  I’ve really made some special connections that I will always cherish.  I think that will be the thing I miss most about working at Make-A-Wish.  I really love the interaction with the families and love seeing the joy that we brought to the kids and families during a challenging time in their lives.

In just a few days I will have been out of work for a month.  I don’t know why but I just can’t seem to figure out what to do with myself.  I worked for MAW for so many years; my mind is having a hard time getting out of the Make-A-Wish mode. I still wonder and worry about all of the wishes that I was in the middle of granting on my last day. I was so excited to see and hear about a few of the wishes that I started getting completed over the past couple of weeks. I soooo miss the interaction with the volunteers and I miss my friends at the office.  I’m just patiently waiting on God to lead me to the new plan that he has for me. I just know it will be something wonderful.

I hope I didn’t bore you with my thoughts. I’ve wanted to write for a while and just honestly haven’t had the heart to do it. I'm sure some of you will have the same thought as Patrick, "put on your big girl boots and let this motivate you to move forward".....well, that's easier said than done! I hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.  I appreciate all of you taking the time to care about me and what’s going on in my life.  Like I said earlier, I’ve really met some special people over the past years and I’m thankful for each and every single one of you.  <3








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